Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

Angkatan Pertahanan Australia

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Angkatan Pertahanan Australia
Tri-layanan Bendera
ADF Tri-Service Bendera
Didirikan 1901
Sekarang bentuk 1976 (ADF didirikan)
Layanan cabang Angkatan Laut Australia
Tentara Australia
Angkatan Udara Australia
Markas besar Bagian dari Organisasi Pertahanan Australia
Panglima tertinggi Gubernur Jenderal Quentin Bryce , AC , CVO sebagai Elizabeth II, Ratu Australia perwakilan
Menteri Pertahanan The Hon. Stephen Smith
Panglima Angkatan Pertahanan Jenderal David Hurley AC , DSC
Tenaga kerja
Militer usia 16,5 tahun untuk proses seleksi, 17 tahun adalah usia porsi yang sebenarnya, 18 tahun untuk menyebarkan pada operasi (Pada 2007)
Tersedia untuk
4.999.988 laki-laki, usia 16-49 (2009 est [2] ),
4.870.043 perempuan, usia 16-49 (2009 est [2] )
Layak untuk
4.341.591 laki-laki, usia 16-49 (2009 est [2] ),
4.179.659 perempuan, usia 16-49 (2009 est [2] )
Mencapai militer
usia setiap tahun
144.959 laki-laki (2009 est [2] ),
137.333 perempuan (2009 est [2] )
Aktif personil 59.023 ( peringkat 68 )
Cadangan personil 21.850 (Aktif)
22.166 (siaga)
Dikerahkan personil 3.300 (Juli 2011) [1]
Anggaran A $ 24,2 miliar (2012-13) [3]
Persen dari PDB 1,56 persen [3]
Tahunan ekspor Rahasia, tetapi dianggap lebih dari A $ 600,000,000 [4]
Artikel terkait
Sejarah Militer sejarah Australia
Peringkat Australia jajaran Angkatan Pertahanan dan lencana
Para Angkatan Pertahanan Australia (ADF) adalah organisasi militer yang bertanggung jawab untuk pertahanan Australia . Ini terdiri dari Angkatan Laut Australia (RAN), Australia Angkatan Darat , Angkatan Udara Australia (RAAF) dan sejumlah unit 'tri-service'. ADF memiliki kekuatan hanya di bawah 81.000 penuh waktu personil dan cadangan aktif , dan didukung oleh Departemen Pertahanan dan beberapa lembaga sipil lainnya.
Selama dekade pertama abad ke-20, Pemerintah Australia mendirikan angkatan bersenjata sebagai organisasi terpisah. Setiap layanan memiliki independen rantai komando . Pada tahun 1976, pemerintah melakukan perubahan strategis dan mendirikan ADF untuk menempatkan layanan di bawah kantor pusat tunggal. Seiring waktu, tingkat integrasi telah meningkat dan tri-layanan kantor pusat, logistik dan lembaga pelatihan telah menggantikan banyak single-layanan perusahaan.
ADF berteknologi canggih tetapi relatif kecil. Meskipun 59.023 ADF itu penuh waktu aktif-tugas personil, 21.850 aktif cadangan dan cadangan 22.166 siaga membuatnya militer terbesar di Oseania , masih lebih kecil dari militer paling Asia. Meskipun demikian, ADF didukung oleh anggaran yang signifikan menurut standar di seluruh dunia dan mampu untuk mengerahkan pasukan di beberapa lokasi di luar Australia.



berdiri Hukum

Legal standing ADF yang menarik pada bagian pemerintah eksekutif dari Konstitusi Australia . Pasal 51 (vi) memberikan Pemerintah Persemakmuran kekuasaan untuk membuat undang-undang tentang pertahanan Australia dan pasukan pertahanan. Bagian 114 dari Konstitusi Amerika mencegah dari beternak angkatan bersenjata tanpa izin dari Persemakmuran dan Pasal 119 memberikan tanggung jawab untuk membela Persemakmuran Australia dari invasi dan set keluar kondisi di mana pemerintah dapat menyebarkan pasukan pertahanan dalam negeri. [5]
Bagian 68 dari Konstitusi menetapkan pengaturan perintah ADF. Negara-negara Bagian yang "perintah di kepala angkatan laut dan militer dari Persemakmuran dipegang oleh Gubernur Jenderal sebagai Ratu perwakilan ". Dalam prakteknya, bagaimanapun, Gubernur Jenderal tidak memainkan peran aktif dalam struktur komando ADF, dan yang terpilih Pemerintah Australia mengontrol ADF. Para Menteri Pertahanan dan menteri beberapa bawahan melakukan kontrol ini . Menteri bertindak mengenai hal-hal yang paling sendirian, meskipun Komite Keamanan Nasional Kabinet (NSC) menganggap hal-hal penting. Menteri kemudian menyarankan Gubernur Jenderal yang bertindak sebagai disarankan dalam bentuk normal dari pemerintah eksekutif . [5]

prioritas Lancar

Pemerintah Australia pertahanan kebijakan dipandu oleh kertas putih Membela Australia di Abad Asia Pasifik: Angkatan 2030 , yang dirilis pada tahun 2009. Kertas putih berpendapat bahwa lingkungan strategis Australia kemungkinan akan menjadi lebih kompleks dan tidak pasti karena hubungan perubahan antara bangsa-bangsa di Asia-Pasifik wilayah. [6] Dalam menanggapi ini, ditetapkan kebijakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan ADF selama periode ke 2030. Ini termasuk secara signifikan memperluas kemampuan maritim ADF, meningkatkan kekuatan tembakan dari unit Angkatan Darat dan memperlengkapi RAAF dengan pesawat modern dan lebih mampu. Komunikasi ADF, intelijen dan logistik kemampuan juga ditingkatkan. [7] Pemerintah saat ini telah berkomitmen untuk memproduksi pertahanan baru kertas putih "dengan interval tidak lebih dari lima tahun" sehingga perubahan lingkungan strategis Australia diperhitungkan selama perencanaan pertahanan. [6] Kertas putih berikutnya direncanakan akan dirilis pada 2013. [8]
Membela Australia di Abad Asia Pasifik: Angkatan 2030 mengidentifikasi tujuan strategis Australia dan kemampuan ADF yang diperlukan untuk ini harus dipenuhi. Ini menyatakan bahwa "yang paling dasar kepentingan strategis Australia tetap membela Australia terhadap serangan bersenjata langsung". [9] Dalam rangka untuk mencapai hal ini, ADF harus mampu mendominasi pendekatan udara dan laut ke Australia, yang meliputi membela negara itu alur laut dan infrastruktur. [6] Prioritas paling penting berikutnya diidentifikasi sebagai "stabilitas keamanan, dan kohesi dari lingkungan terdekat kita, yang kita berbagi dengan Indonesia , Papua Nugini , Timor Timur , Selandia Baru dan Pasifik Selatan pulau menyatakan " . [9] Ini termasuk memastikan bahwa ADF mampu campur tangan di negara-negara untuk melindungi warga negara Australia, memberikan bantuan kemanusiaan dan, jika perlu, menstabilkan negara yang terancam menjadi negara gagal . [7] Prioritas paling penting ketiga yang diidentifikasi dalam kertas putih memberikan kontribusi untuk "stabilitas kawasan Asia-Pasifik yang lebih luas" dan khususnya Asia Tenggara . [9] Ini mengharuskan ADF dapat untuk membantu negara-negara di kawasan untuk menanggapi ancaman terhadap keamanan mereka, termasuk bekerja sama dengan Amerika Serikat . Bantuan tersebut dapat mencakup penyebaran besar pasukan militer Australia. [7] Prioritas keempat yang ditetapkan adalah "melestarikan tatanan internasional yang menahan agresi oleh negara terhadap satu sama lain, dan dapat secara efektif mengelola risiko lainnya dan ancaman". [9] Hal ini memerlukan bahwa ADF dapat memberikan kontribusi pasukan terbatas pada operasi di seluruh dunia. [7]


Pembentukan Angkatan Pertahanan Australia

Sebuah foto udara dari sebuah kapal induk dengan pesawat beberapa di dek penerbangannya. Operator lain terlihat di latar belakang.
Pensiun HMAS Melbourne tanpa penggantian pada tahun 1982 menandai pergeseran dari kebijakan 'maju pertahanan. [10]
Australia telah memelihara pasukan militer sejak federasi sebagai bangsa pada Januari 1901. Tak lama setelah Federasi, Pemerintah Australia mendirikan Angkatan Darat Australia dan Persemakmuran Angkatan Laut oleh amalgamating kekuatan masing-masing negara telah dipelihara. [11] Pada tahun 1911, Pemerintah membentuk Angkatan Laut Australia , yang menyerap Persemakmuran Angkatan Laut. [12] Tentara mendirikan Flying Corps Australia pada tahun 1912 meskipun hal ini dipisahkan untuk membentuk Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Australia pada tahun 1921. [13] Layanan yang tidak dihubungkan oleh sebuah rantai tunggal komando, karena mereka masing-masing dilaporkan kepada Menteri yang terpisah mereka dan harus terpisah administrasi pengaturan. Tiga layanan melihat aksi di seluruh dunia selama Perang Dunia I dan Perang Dunia II , dan mengambil bagian dalam konflik di Asia selama Perang Dingin . [14]
Pentingnya perang 'bersama' dibuat jelas kepada Militer Australia selama Perang Dunia II ketika Australia angkatan laut, darat dan udara unit sering disajikan sebagai bagian dari perintah tunggal. Setelah perang, perwira senior melobi untuk pengangkatan seorang panglima tertinggi dari tiga layanan. Pemerintah menolak usulan ini dan tiga layanan tetap sepenuhnya independen. [15] Tidak adanya otoritas pusat mengakibatkan koordinasi yang buruk antara layanan, dengan setiap penyelenggara layanan dan operasi atas dasar yang berbeda doktrin militer . [16]
Kebutuhan struktur perintah terpadu menerima penekanan lebih sebagai hasil dari pengaturan yang tidak efisien yang kadang-kadang menghambat usaha militer selama Perang Vietnam . [16] Pada tahun 1973, Sekretaris Departemen Pertahanan , Arthur Tange , menyampaikan laporan kepada dengan Pemerintah yang direkomendasikan penyatuan departemen terpisah yang mendukung setiap layanan tunggal ke dalam Departemen Pertahanan dan penciptaan jabatan Kepala Staf Angkatan Pertahanan. Pemerintah menerima rekomendasi ini dan Angkatan Pertahanan Australia didirikan pada 9 Februari 1976. [17]

Pertahanan Australia era

Sekelompok pria mengenakan seragam militer hijau berjalan di tanah tandus.
Tentara Australia memimpin sebuah kolom pasukan Amerika selama Latihan, Kangaroo '89 yang diselenggarakan di bagian utara Australia. [18]
Sampai 1970-an, strategi militer Australia berpusat pada konsep 'maju pertahanan', di mana peran militer Australia adalah untuk bekerja sama dengan pasukan sekutu terhadap ancaman counter di wilayah Australia. Pada tahun 1969, ketika Amerika Serikat mulai Ajaran Guam dan Inggris menarik diri ' timur Suez ', Australia mengembangkan kebijakan pertahanan menekankan kemandirian dari benua Australia. Ini dikenal sebagai Kebijakan Pertahanan Australia . Dengan kebijakan ini, fokus perencanaan pertahanan Australia adalah untuk melindungi pendekatan maritim utara Australia (kesenjangan laut-udara) terhadap serangan musuh. [19] Sejalan dengan tujuan ini, ADF direstrukturisasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya untuk menyerang pasukan musuh dari basis Australia dan untuk melawan serangan di benua Australia. ADF dicapai ini dengan meningkatkan kemampuan RAN dan RAAF dan relokasi unit Tentara reguler ke Australia utara . [20]
Pada saat ini, ADF tidak memiliki unit militer pada penyebaran operasional di luar Australia. Pada tahun 1987, ADF membuat penyebaran operasional pertama sebagai bagian dari Operasi Morris Dance , di mana kapal perang dan beberapa perusahaan senapan dikerahkan ke perairan lepas Fiji sebagai jawaban atas kudeta 1987 Fiji d'état . Sementara luas berhasil, penyebaran ini menyoroti kebutuhan untuk ADF untuk meningkatkan kemampuan untuk secara cepat menanggapi kejadian tak terduga. [21]
Sejak akhir tahun 1980an, Pemerintah telah semakin dipanggil ADF untuk memberikan kontribusi pasukan untuk misi penjaga perdamaian di seluruh dunia. Sementara sebagian besar penyebaran hanya melibatkan sejumlah kecil spesialis, beberapa menyebabkan penyebaran ratusan personil. Penyebaran penjaga perdamaian besar dilakukan untuk Namibia pada awal tahun 1989, Kamboja antara tahun 1992 dan 1993, Somalia pada tahun 1993, Rwanda antara 1994 dan 1995 dan Bougainville pada tahun 1994 dan dari tahun 1997 dan seterusnya. [22]
Para kontribusi Australia untuk Perang Teluk 1991 adalah pertama kalinya personil Australia dikerahkan ke zona perang aktif sejak berdirinya ADF. Meskipun kapal perang dan izin tim menyelam dikerahkan ke Teluk Persia tidak melihat pertempuran, penyebaran diuji kemampuan ADF dan struktur perintah. Setelah perang Angkatan Laut secara teratur mengerahkan kapal perang ke Teluk Persia atau Laut Merah untuk menegakkan sanksi perdagangan dikenakan pada Irak . [23]

Timor Timur dan setelah

Sisi pandang pesawat baling-baling yang digerakkan terbang tepat di atas tanah
Sebuah RAAF C-130 Hercules di Irak selama tahun 2008. Ini mendukung pesawat ADF operasi di Irak dan Afghanistan.
Pada tahun 1996, John Howard memimpin Partai Liberal kampanye pemilu dan menjadi Perdana Menteri. Selanjutnya, ada reformasi yang signifikan terhadap struktur kekuatan ADF dan peran. Pemerintah baru strategi pertahanan ditempatkan kurang penekanan pada membela Australia dari serangan langsung dan lebih menekankan pada bekerja sama dengan daerah negara bagian dan sekutu Australia untuk mengelola ancaman keamanan potensial. [24] [25] Dari tahun 1997 Pemerintah juga menerapkan serangkaian perubahan ADF itu kekuatan struktur dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan proporsi unit-unit tempur untuk mendukung unit dan meningkatkan efektivitas tempur ADF itu. [26]
Pengalaman ADF selama penyebaran ke Timor Timur pada tahun 1999 menyebabkan perubahan signifikan dalam kebijakan pertahanan Australia dan merupakan pengembangan dari kemampuan ADF untuk melakukan operasi di luar Australia. Ini penyebaran yang berhasil adalah pertama kalinya kekuatan militer besar Australia telah beroperasi di luar Australia sejak Perang Vietnam dan mengungkapkan kelemahan dalam kemampuan ADF untuk me-mount dan mempertahankan operasi tersebut. [27]
Pada tahun 2000, Pemerintah mengeluarkan Kertas Pertahanan baru Putih, Pertahanan 2000 - Masa Depan Kita Angkatan Pertahanan yang menempatkan penekanan lebih besar pada mempersiapkan ADF untuk penyebaran di luar negeri. Pemerintah berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan kemampuan ADF dengan meningkatkan kesiapan dan peralatan unit ADF, memperluas ADF dan peningkatan nyata pengeluaran Pertahanan sebesar 3% per tahun. [28] , dalam acara tersebut, pengeluaran meningkat sebesar 2,3% per tahun secara riil dalam masa 2012-13. [29] Pada tahun 2003 dan 2005, Pembaruan Pertahanan menekankan fokus ini pada operasi ekspedisi dan menyebabkan perluasan dan modernisasi ADF. [30]
Sejak tahun 2000, diperluas gaya ADF struktur dan kemampuan penyebaran telah diuji pada sejumlah kesempatan. Setelah serangan 11 September 2001 teroris terhadap Amerika Serikat, Australia melakukan pasukan khusus kelompok tugas dan pengisian bahan bakar udara-ke-udara pesawat untuk operasi di Afghanistan , dan kapal perang angkatan laut ke Teluk Persia sebagai Sandal Operasi . [31] Pada tahun 2003, sekitar 2.000 personel ADF, termasuk kelompok tugas pasukan khusus, tiga kapal perang dan 14 F/A-18 Hornet pesawat, mengambil bagian dalam invasi ke Irak . [32]
Kemudian pada tahun 2003, unsur ketiga layanan dikerahkan ke Kepulauan Solomon sebagai bagian dari Misi Bantuan Regional untuk Kepulauan Solomon . Pada akhir 2004, lebih dari 1.000 personel ADF dikerahkan ke Indonesia pada Operasi Bantu Sumatra menyusul gempa bumi Samudra Hindia 2004 . [33] Pada bulan Mei 2006, sekitar 2.000 personel ADF ditempatkan di Timor Leste dalam Operasi Astute kerusuhan berikut di antara unsur-unsur dari Angkatan Pertahanan Timor Leste . [34]

Operasi Saat Ini

Pada bulan Juli 2011, sekitar 3.300 personel ADF dikerahkan di dua belas operasi di wilayah Australia dan luar negeri. Sekitar 400 personil ini mengambil bagian dalam tugas-tugas keamanan maritim domestik. [1]
Seorang pria mengenakan seragam kamuflase hijau dan topi kamuflase cokelat bisbol melihat melalui teropong senapan. Dia sedang beristirahat senapannya di dinding kotoran dan pegunungan curam yang terlihat di latar belakang.
Sebuah Tugas Operasi Khusus tentara Grup di Afghanistan selama tahun 2010
ADF saat ini memiliki beberapa pasukan dikerahkan ke Timur Tengah. Kontribusi ADF terhadap koalisi internasional melawan terorisme di Afghanistan (yang ditunjuk Sandal Operasi ) adalah penyebaran ADF terbesar, dengan sekitar 1.550 personil di negara ini setiap saat. Sandal Operasi juga mencakup penyebaran satu dari frigat RAN untuk Laut Arab dan Teluk Aden pada pembajakan counter dan tugas interdiksi maritim. [35] Kekuatan Australia di Irak sekarang terbatas pada dua polisi dari Misi Bantuan PBB untuk Irak . (OP RiverBank) [1] detasemen dari dua pesawat patroli maritim dan tiga C-130 Hercules transportasi pendukung operasi pesawat di Irak dan Afghanistan, ini berbasis di Pangkalan Udara Al Minhad di Uni Emirat Arab . [36] ADF juga mempertahankan tiga kontribusi kecil sebesar 61 personil untuk operasi pemeliharaan perdamaian di Timur Tengah dan Afrika. [1] Semua unit ADF di Timur Tengah berada di bawah komando Satuan Tugas, Bersama 633 yang merupakan kantor pusat terletak di Al Minhad Air Base. [36 ] [37]
Unit ADF saat ini digunakan pada dua operasi di lingkungan terdekat Australia. Sekitar 404 personel, yang sebagian besar merupakan bagian dari Australia-Selandia Baru Internasional bersama Pasukan Keamanan, dikerahkan untuk Timor Timur pada penjaga perdamaian tugas sebagai bagian dari Operasi Astute . Sekitar 80 tentara juga dikerahkan di Kepulauan Solomon sebagai kontribusi ADF terhadap Misi Bantuan Regional untuk Kepulauan Solomon . [1]

Masa Depan tren

Warna gambar yang menggambarkan bagian atas, samping dan depan sebuah pesawat tempur jet modern. Pesawat ini dicat abu-abu dan memiliki satu mesin.
Pemerintah Australia bermaksud untuk membeli setidaknya 72 F-35A petir pesawat II untuk memperlengkapi angkatan udara tempur RAAF itu antara 2014 dan 2021 [38]
Perubahan lingkungan keamanan Australia akan mengarah pada tuntutan baru yang ditempatkan pada Angkatan Pertahanan Australia. Meskipun tidak diharapkan bahwa Australia akan menghadapi ancaman serangan langsung, teroris kelompok dan ketegangan antara negara-negara di Asia Timur menjadi ancaman bagi keamanan Australia. Pemerintah tidak stabil di banyak negara-negara Pasifik Selatan dapat menyebabkan beberapa negara-negara ini menjadi negara gagal di masa depan. Negara seperti Fiji mungkin memerlukan militer Australia yang dipimpin intervensi untuk mengembalikan pemerintahan sipil . [39]
Tren demografi Australia akan memberi tekanan pada ADF di masa depan. [40] Tidak termasuk faktor-faktor lain, umur penduduk Australia akan menghasilkan jumlah yang lebih kecil calon potensial memasuki Australia pasar tenaga kerja setiap tahun. Beberapa prediksi adalah bahwa penuaan penduduk akan mengakibatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pengeluaran pemerintah meningkat pada pensiun dan program kesehatan. Sebagai hasil dari tren ini, umur penduduk Australia dapat memperburuk situasi tenaga kerja ADF dan dapat memaksa pemerintah untuk mengalokasikan kembali sebagian dari anggaran Pertahanan. [41] Selain itu, pemuda Australia yang relatif sedikit mempertimbangkan bergabung dengan militer dan ADF harus bersaing untuk merekrut terhadap perusahaan sektor swasta yang mampu menawarkan gaji yang lebih tinggi. [42]
ADF telah mengembangkan strategi untuk merespon perubahan lingkungan strategis Australia dan basis populasi. Strategi ini termasuk memperluas ADF dan memperkenalkan peralatan baru untuk meningkatkan Australia berat strategis . Untuk menjaga memimpin kualitatif Australia atas negara-negara tetangga ADF bermaksud untuk memperkenalkan teknologi baru dan mempertahankan kualitas pelatihan militer Australia. ADF juga mencari untuk mengembangkan dan menerapkan taktik militer ditingkatkan berdasarkan integrasi teknologi dan kerjasama yang lebih baik antara layanan. [43]

Struktur Saat Ini

Sekelompok gedung-gedung kantor. Sebuah danau, gunung dan sebuah jet air yang terlihat di latar belakang.
Markas ADF dan kantor utama Departemen Pertahanan berada di Kantor Russell kompleks di Canberra
Angkatan Pertahanan Australia, Departemen Pertahanan dan Pertahanan Materiel Organisasi (DMO) membentuk Organisasi Pertahanan Australia (ADO), yang sering disebut sebagai 'Pertahanan'. [44] Sebuah dwikekuasaan dari Panglima Angkatan Pertahanan (CDF) dan Sekretaris Departemen Pertahanan mengelola ADO. ADF adalah komponen militer dari ADO dan terdiri dari Angkatan Laut Australia (RAN), Angkatan Darat Australia dan Angkatan Udara Australia (RAAF). [45]
Departemen Pertahanan dikelola oleh sipil dan militer personil dan termasuk lembaga seperti DMO, Pertahanan Intelijen Organisasi (DIO) dan Pertahanan Sains dan Teknologi Organisasi (DSTO). DMO pembelian dan memelihara peralatan pertahanan. Para DSTO menyediakan dukungan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi untuk pasukan pertahanan. [46]

Komando pengaturan

Pengaturan perintah ADF yang ditentukan dalam UU Pertahanan (1903) dan undang-undang bawahan. [47] Tindakan menyatakan bahwa Menteri Pertahanan "akan memiliki kontrol umum dan administrasi Angkatan Pertahanan" dan bahwa CDF, Sekretaris Departemen Pertahanan dan kepala dari tiga layanan harus bertindak "sesuai dengan petunjuk Menteri". [48] Para pemimpin ADO juga bertanggung jawab kepada menteri junior yang ditunjuk untuk mengelola unsur-unsur tertentu dari portofolio pertahanan. [47] Stephen Smith saat ini adalah Menteri Pertahanan, dan para menteri lainnya dalam portofolio adalah Menteri Materiel Pertahanan Jason Clare dan Warren Snowdon , yang kedua Menteri Urusan Veteran dan Menteri Pertahanan Sains dan Personil . Senator David Feeney adalah Sekretaris Parlemen untuk Pertahanan. [49]
CDF adalah penunjukan paling senior di ADF. CDF memerintahkan ADF, dan notionally sederajat dengan Sekretaris Pertahanan, pelayan masyarakat paling senior di Departemen Pertahanan. [47] The CDF adalah perwira bintang empat hanya dalam ADF dan merupakan Umum , Laksamana atau Marsekal . Selain tanggung jawab komando mereka, CDF juga Menteri penasihat utama militer Pertahanan itu. [50] Jenderal David Hurley adalah CDF saat ini, dan menganggap posisi ini pada tanggal 4 Juli 2011. [51] Hugh White, seorang akademis terkemuka dan mantan Wakil Sekretaris di Departemen Pertahanan, telah mengkritik struktur komando saat ini ADF. White berpendapat bahwa Menteri memainkan terlalu besar peran dalam militer pengambilan keputusan dan tidak memberikan CDF dan Menteri Pertahanan dengan otoritas yang diperlukan dan cukup untuk mengelola ADO secara efektif. [52]
Di bawah struktur komando ADF saat ini pengelolaan sehari-hari ADF berbeda dari komando operasi militer. [53] Layanan yang diberikan melalui ADO, dengan kepala setiap layanan (yang Kepala Angkatan Laut , Kepala Angkatan Darat dan Kepala Angkatan Udara ) dan kantor pusat layanan yang bertanggung jawab untuk membesarkan, melatih dan mempertahankan pasukan tempur. Kepala juga penasehat utama CDF pada hal-hal mengenai tanggung jawab pelayanan mereka. [54]
Sementara anggota individu dari setiap layanan akhirnya melaporkan kepada Kepala layanan mereka, Kepala tidak mengontrol operasi militer. Pengendalian ADF operasi ini dilakukan melalui suatu rantai komando formal yang dipimpin oleh Kepala Operasi Bersama (CJOPS), yang melapor langsung kepada CDF. Para CJOPS memerintahkan Komando Markas Operasi Bersama (HQJOC) serta sementara gugus tugas bersama. Kekuatan tugas gabungan terdiri dari unit yang ditugaskan dari layanan mereka untuk berpartisipasi dalam operasi atau latihan. [55]

pasukan tempur Bersama

Bagian dari kompleks HQJOC dekat Bungendore
Komando operasional ADF dilaksanakan oleh HQJOC, yang terletak di fasilitas tujuan-dibangun dekat Bungendore, New South Wales . Ini adalah 'bersama' kantor pusat yang terdiri dari personil dari tiga layanan dan termasuk Pusat Pengendalian terus menerus berawak Bersama. Peran utama HQJOC adalah untuk "merencanakan, memantau dan mengendalikan" operasi ADF dan latihan, dan itu diatur sekitar kelompok rencana, operasi dan staf pendukung. HQJOC juga memantau kesiapan unit ADF yang tidak ditugaskan untuk operasi dan memberikan kontribusi untuk mengembangkan Australia doktrin militer . [55]
Selain HQJOC, ADF memiliki sejumlah perintah permanen operasional bersama bertanggung jawab kepada CJOPS. Komando Operasi Bersama (JOC) termasuk dua kantor pusat bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan patroli perbatasan maritim Australia pada hari ke hari, Komando Utara dan Komando Penjaga Perbatasan . Unit JOC lainnya termasuk Kelompok Gerakan Bersama dan Dirgantara Pusat Operasi. Selain itu, individu ADF unit dan Kelompok Tugas Gabungan ditugaskan untuk JOC selama operasi, dan HQJOC termasuk petugas yang bertanggung jawab untuk pasukan operasi kapal selam dan khusus. [56]

Angkatan Laut Australia

Angkatan Laut Australia (RAN) adalah cabang angkatan laut dari Angkatan Pertahanan Australia. RAN ini mengoperasikan 74 kapal dari berbagai ukuran, termasuk frigat , kapal selam , kapal patroli dan kapal tambahan. [57] RAN adalah salah satu angkatan laut paling modern di Pasifik dan bertanggung jawab untuk mempertahankan perairan Australia dan melakukan operasi di lokasi yang jauh. [ 58]
Ada dua bagian pada struktur RAN. Salah satunya adalah perintah operasional, Komando Armada, dan yang lainnya adalah perintah dukungan, Angkatan Laut Sistem Komando. [57] [59] aset Angkatan Laut yang dikelola oleh empat 'pasukan' yang melaporkan kepada Panglima Armada Australia . Ini adalah Udara Armada Arm , Warfare Tambang, Menyelam Clearance, Hidrografi, Angkatan Meteorologi dan Patroli, Kapal Selam Angkatan dan Angkatan Permukaan. [60]

Australia Angkatan Darat

Bagan organisasi yang menggunakan simbol unit militer untuk menggambarkan struktur Angkatan Darat Australia
Tentara Australia struktur pada tahun 2010
Tentara Australia adalah kekuatan tanah militer Australia. Sementara Angkatan Darat Australia pada dasarnya merupakan satu infanteri ringan kekuatan, saat ini menjadi 'keras dan jaringan' dan diperluas untuk memungkinkan untuk melakukan lebih tinggi intensitas operasi. [61]
Tentara ini diatur dalam tiga unsur utama yang melaporkan kepada Kepala Angkatan Darat, Markas Besar Divisi 1 , Khusus Komando Operasi dan Komando Pasukan. Markas Divisi 1 bertanggung jawab untuk tingkat tinggi kegiatan pelatihan dan mampu dikerahkan untuk perintah operasi skala besar tanah. Ia tidak memiliki unit-unit tempur apapun secara permanen ditugaskan untuk itu, meskipun memerintahkan unit selama kegiatan pelatihan dan Combat Tanah Pusat Kesiapan melaporkan ke markas divisi. Sebagian besar unit Angkatan Darat melaporkan kepada Komando Pasukan, yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengawasi kesiapan mereka dan mempersiapkan mereka untuk operasi. Khusus Komando Operasi bertanggung jawab untuk menyiapkan ADF pasukan khusus unit untuk penggunaan operasional. Organisasi ini mulai berlaku selama Januari 2011;. Sebelum jam ini tiga brigade Angkatan Darat reguler secara permanen ditugaskan ke Divisi Markas 1 [62] [63]
Kekuatan utama Tentara Australia tempur dikelompokkan dalam brigade. Ini terdiri dari mekanik brigade- 1 Brigade , sebuah brigade infanteri ringan- 3 Brigade , sebuah brigade-bermotor 7 Brigade , enam brigade Tentara Cadangan, sebuah brigade penerbangan ( 16 Brigade ), dukungan tempur dan ISTAR Brigade ( Brigade 6 ) dan logistik brigade (yang Brigade 17 ). [64] formasi utama Angkatan Darat taktis adalah battlegroups terbentuk di sekitar markas batalyon pembentukan berukuran. [61]
Khusus Komando Operasi (SOC) memerintahkan unit khusus pasukan ADF. Ini terdiri dari Air Service Resimen Khusus , dua resimen komando, para Resimen Operasi Khusus Insinyur dan sinyal, logistik dan unit pelatihan. [65] khusus Angkatan Darat pasukan unit telah diperluas sejak tahun 2001 dan dilengkapi dan mampu menjadi dikerahkan melalui laut, udara atau tanah. [66]

Angkatan Udara Australia

Para Angkatan Udara Australia (RAAF) adalah angkatan udara cabang ADF. RAAF memiliki moderen tempur dan pesawat angkut dan jaringan pangkalan di lokasi strategis di seluruh Australia.
Tidak seperti layanan lain, RAAF hanya memiliki komando operasional tunggal, RAAF Air Command , yang meliputi Kelompok Angkatan Udara Pelatihan . RAAF Udara Komando adalah lengan operasional RAAF dan juga terdiri dari Grup Air Combat , Kelompok Air Lift , Surveillance dan Respon Grup , Grup Tempur Dukungan dan Grup Aerospace Dukungan Operasional . Setiap kelompok terdiri dari sejumlah sayap . [67]
RAAF memiliki delapan belas skuadron terbang ; skuadron tempur empat, dua skuadron patroli maritim, lima skuadron transportasi, skuadron pelatihan enam (termasuk tiga unit konversi operasional dan kontrol skuadron udara pelatihan ke depan) dan satu Airborne Peringatan Dini & Kontrol skuadron. Angkatan Udara juga mencakup independen tunggal penerbangan ( Flight No 5 ). Sejumlah besar unit pendukung tanah mendukung skuadron terbang, termasuk tiga skuadron dukungan tempur ekspedisi, dua lapangan udara skuadron pertahanan dan komunikasi, radar dan unit medis. [68]

Dukungan Logistik

Sebuah helikopter dicat merah dan putih saat istirahat di rumput. Mobil yang diparkir di latar belakang.
CHC Helikopter telah dikontrak untuk menyediakan pencarian RAAF dan kemampuan penyelamatan [69]
Para ADF logistik dikelola oleh DMO dan Komando Logistik Bersama. The DMO was created in 2000 by merging the ADF's Support Command Australia with the Department of Defence's Defence Acquisition Organisation and National Support Division. [ 70 ] The DMO purchases all forms of equipment and services used by the ADF and is also responsible for maintaining this equipment throughout its life of type. [ 71 ]
The DMO is not responsible for directly supplying deployed ADF units; this is the responsibility of the Joint Logistics Command and the single service logistic units. [ 72 ] These units include the Navy's Systems Command and replenishment ships, the Army's 17th Combat Service Support Brigade and Combat Service Support Battalions, and the Combat Support Group RAAF . [ 73 ]
The increasing role of the private sector forms an important trend in the ADF's logistics arrangements. During the 1990s many of the ADF's support functions were transferred to the private sector to improve the efficiency with which they were provided. Since these reforms most of the 'garrison' support services at military bases have been provided by private firms . The reforms also led to many of the ADF's logistics units being disbanded or reduced in size. [ 74 ] Since this time private firms have increasingly been contracted to provide critical support to ADF units deployed outside Australia. This support has included transporting equipment and personnel and constructing and supplying bases. [ 75 ]

intelijen militer

A grey, four engined aircraft viewed from below while it is in flight
A Royal Australian Air Force AP-3C Orion aircraft. These aircraft are fitted with advanced signals intelligence and electronic signals intelligence equipment. [ 76 ]
The Australian Defence Force's intelligence collection and analysis capabilities include each of the services' intelligence systems and units, two joint civilian-military intelligence gathering agencies and two strategic and operational-level intelligence analysis organisations. [ 77 ] [ 78 ]
Each of the three services has its own intelligence assets. [ 77 ] RAN doctrine states that "all maritime units" contribute to the collection of intelligence and many of the RAN's ships are capable of collecting communications and electronic transmissions. The Collins class submarines are particularly effective in this role. [ 79 ] The Army's intelligence units include the 1st Intelligence Battalion, 7th Signals Regiment (Electronic Warfare), three Regional Force Surveillance Units and the Special Air Service Regiment . [ 80 ] The RAAF's intelligence assets include the Jindalee Operational Radar Network and other air defence radars, No. 87 Squadron and the AP-3 Orion aircraft operated by No. 92 Wing . [ 81 ] [ 82 ]
The Defence Intelligence and Security Group within the Department of Defence supports the services and cooperate with the civilian agencies within the Australian Intelligence Community . This Group consists of the Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation (DIGO), Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) and Defence Intelligence Organisation (DIO). The DIGO is responsible for geospatial intelligence and producing maps for the ADF, the DSD is Australia's signals intelligence agency and the DIO is responsible for the analysis of intelligence collected by the other intelligence agencies. The three agencies are headquartered in Canberra, though the DIGO has staff in Bendigo and the DSD maintains several permanent signals collection facilities in other locations. [ 83 ]
The DSD includes a Cyber Security Operations Centre (CSOC) which is responsible for protecting Defence and other Australian Government agencies against cyberwarfare attacks. The CSOC was established in January 2010 and is jointly staffed by the DSD, other sections of the ADO, Attorney-General's Department , Australian Security Intelligence Organisation and Australian Federal Police . [ 84 ] [ 85 ] Unlike the United States military, the ADF does not class cyberwarfare as being a separate sphere of warfare. [ 86 ]


Photograph of eight people wearing camouflage uniforms posing with a rocket launcher. Several camouflaged trucks are visible in the background.
Personnel from the Army's 16th Air Defence Regiment with one of the unit's RBS 70 systems
The Australian military has been an all-volunteer force since the abolition of conscription in 1972 . [ 87 ] Both women and men can enlist in the ADF, although there are some restrictions on the positions that women may fill. [ 88 ] In general, only Australian citizens can enlist in the ADF though permanent residents are accepted in "exceptional circumstances". [ 89 ] The minimum age for recruits is 17 and the retirement age is 60 for permanent personnel and 65 for reservists. [ 88 ] [ 90 ]

Personnel numbers

In the 2010–2011 financial year the ADF had an average strength of 59,023 permanent (full-time) and 21,850 reserve (part-time) personnel. [ 91 ] In addition there were 22,166 inactive members of the Standby Reserve as at June 2009. [ 92 ] The Army is the largest service, followed by the RAAF and RAN. In that time, the ADO also employed an average of 20,656 civilian Australian Public Service (APS) staff and 675 contractors. [ 91 ] Average levels for the 2010–2011 financial year were as follows: [ 91 ]
Layanan Permanen Active Reserve Total
Angkatan laut 14,215 2,150 16,365
Tentara 30,235 16,900 47,135
Angkatan Udara 14,573 2,800 17,375
Total 59,023 21,850 80,873
The average permanent strengths of the services between 1990 and 2006. [ 93 ]
During the 2009–10 financial year 6,063 people enlisted in the ADF on a permanent basis. This represented 91% of the ADF's recruitment target for that year. [ 94 ] A further 671 people enlisted as part of the gap year scheme (96% of the target) and 2,629 joined the reserves (84% of the target). [ 95 ] During that financial year 4,000 people left the ADF's permanent force, representing a 7.1% separation rate. [ 96 ]
The number of ADF personnel has changed over the last 20 years. During the 1990s the strength of the ADF was reduced from around 70,000 to 50,000 permanent personnel as a result of budget cuts and the commercialisation of some elements of the military. The ADF began to grow from 2000 after the defence white paper released that year called for an expansion to the military's strength. During the 2003–04 to 2005–06 financial years the strength of the ADF dropped as a result of problems with attracting further recruits. The ADF has consistently grown in all subsequent financial years, however. This growth is attributable to increased spending on recruitment and improved recruitment and retention policies. Nevertheless, some parts of the ADF are suffering from shortages of personnel (such as technicians and trades people) and demand for skilled labour in the broader economy is driving up the wages the ADF needs to pay to retain key personnel. [ 97 ] As of May 2010, 20 employment categories were considered "critical or perilous" due to a shortage of skilled personnel, though this had been reduced from 32 such categories in 2009. [ 98 ]
As of the 2011–12 budget, Defence planned to have a strength of 58,627 full-time personnel supported by 21,397 civilians and contractors in the 2018–19 financial year. [ 99 ] The Strategic Reform Program has included transferring the roles filled by several hundred ADF members to civilian APS staff as a means of reducing costs. [ 100 ]


Setiap cabang ADF memiliki komponen cadangan. These forces are the Royal Australian Naval Reserve , Australian Army Reserve and Royal Australian Air Force Reserve . [ 101 ] The main role of the reserves is to supplement the permanent elements of the ADF during deployments and crises, including natural disasters . This can include attaching individual reservists to regular units or deploying units composed entirely of reserve personnel. [ 102 ] As reservists serve on a part-time basis, they are less costly to the government than permanent members of the ADF. However, the nature of their service can mean that reservists have a lower level of readiness than regular personnel and require additional training before they can be deployed. [ 103 ] It has historically proven difficult to set a level of training requirements which allows reservists to be rapidly deployable yet does not act as a disincentive to recruitment and continued participation. [ 104 ]
Members of the Army Reserve 5th/6th Battalion, Royal Victoria Regiment marching on ANZAC day 2006
There are two main categories of reserve personnel; those in the active reserve and those in the standby reserve. [ 92 ] Members of the active reserve have an annual minimum training obligation. [ 105 ] Army and RAAF reservists may also volunteer for the high readiness reserve; this category of reservists have higher training and active service obligations. [ 106 ] [ 107 ] Members of the standby reserve are not required to undertake training, and would only be called up in response to a national emergency or to fill a specialised position. Most standby reservists are former full-time members of the ADF. [ 108 ]
While Australian Naval Reserve personnel are assigned to permanent units, most members of the Army Reserve and Air Force Reserve are members of reserve units. Most of the RAAF's reserve units are not capable of being deployed, however, and reserve personnel are generally attached to regular air force units during their periods of active service. [ 109 ] In contrast, the Army Reserve is organised into permanent units, though it is unlikely that these would be deployed in their entirety. [ 110 ] There have been long-running debates over whether the Army Reserve and its structure remain relevant to modern warfare. [ 104 ]
The ADF's increased activities since 1999 and shortfalls in recruiting permanent personnel has led to reservists being more frequently called to active service. [ 42 ] This has included large scale domestic deployments, which have included providing security for major events such as the 2000 Summer Olympics and responding to natural disasters. Large numbers of reserve personnel have also been deployed as part of ADF operations in Australia's region; this has included the deployment of Army Reserve rifle companies to East Timor and the Solomon Islands. Smaller numbers of reservists have taken part in operations in locations distant from Australia. [ 107 ] Notably, companies of the Army Reserve 1st Commando Regiment have regularly been deployed to Afghanistan as part of the Special Operations Task Group. [ 111 ]


Individual training of Australian servicemen and women is generally provided by the services in their own training institutions. Each service has its own training organisation which manages this individual training. Where possible, however, individual training is increasingly being provided through tri-service schools. [ 112 ]
Military academies include HMAS Creswell for the Navy, Royal Military College, Duntroon for the Army, and the Officer Training School – RAAF Base East Sale for the Air Force. The Australian Defence Force Academy is a Tri-Service university for officer cadets of all services wishing to attain a university degree through the Australian Defence Force. Navy recruit training is conducted at HMAS Cerberus , Army recruits are trained at the Army Recruit Training Centre and Air Force recruits at RAAF Base Wagga . [ 113 ]

Women in the ADF

A woman wearing a camouflaged military uniform sitting in the cockpit of an aircraft
A female RAAF pilot conducting pre-flight checks of a C-130 Hercules deployed to the Middle East in 2009
Women first served in the Australian military during World War II when each service established a separate female branch. The RAAF was the first service to fully integrate women into operational units, doing so in 1977, with the Army and RAN following in 1979 and 1985 respectively. [ 114 ] The ADF initially struggled to integrate women, with integration being driven by changing Australian social values and Government legislation rather than a change in attitudes within the male-dominated military. [ 115 ]
The number of positions available to women in the ADF has increased over time. Although servicewomen were initially barred from combat positions, these restrictions began to be lifted in 1990. [ 116 ] In 2010 approximately 92% of employment categories and 84% of positions in the ADF were available to females as well as males. The only positions which women are currently excluded from are those in which there is a high probability of 'direct combat', which includes all infantry positions and other positions in which there is a high probability of hand to hand combat . [ 117 ] As a result, while almost all positions in the Navy and Air Force are open to women, women are excluded from a high proportion of Army positions. [ 118 ]
Despite the expansion in the number of positions available to women and other changes which aim to encourage increased female recruitment and retention, there has been little growth in the proportion of female permanent defence personnel. [ 119 ] In the 1989–1990 financial year women made up 11.4% of the ADF personnel. In the 2008–2009 financial year women occupied 13.5% of ADF positions. During the same period the proportion of civilian positions filled by women in the Australian Defence Organisation increased from 30.8% to 42.8%. [ 120 ] In 2008, defence minister Joel Fitzgibbon instructed the ADF to place a greater emphasis on recruiting women and addressing barriers to women being promoted to senior roles. [ 121 ] [ 122 ] In September 2011 Minister for Defence Stephen Smith announced that the Cabinet had decided to remove all restrictions on women serving in combat positions, and that this change would come into effect within five years. This decision was supported by the CDF and the chiefs of the services. [ 123 ]

Ethnic composition

A high percentage of ADF personnel are drawn from the Anglo-Celtic portion of Australia's population. In 2007 the proportion of ADF personnel born in Australia and the other predominately Anglo-Celtic countries was higher than this population group's share of both the Australian workforce and overall population. As a result, analyst Mark Thomson argues that the ADF is unrepresentative of Australia's society in this regards and that recruiting more personnel from other ethnic backgrounds would improve the ADF's language skills and cultural empathy. [ 124 ] The ADF is developing a new advertising campaign to attract recruits from non Anglo-Celtic backgrounds. [ 92 ]
The ADO is currently seeking to expand the number of Indigenous Australians it recruits and improve their retention rate. [ 92 ] Restrictions on Indigenous Australians' ability to enlist in the military existed until the 1970s, though hundreds of Indigenous men and women had joined the military when restrictions were reduced during the world wars. By 1992 the representation of Indigenous Australians in the ADF was equivalent to their proportion of the Australian population, though they continue to be under-represented among the officer corps. Two of the Army's three Regional Force Surveillance Units ( NORFORCE and the 51st Battalion, Far North Queensland Regiment ) are manned mostly by Indigenous Australian reservists. [ 125 ] In 2007 Indigenous Australians made up 1.4% of permanent ADF personnel and 1.8% of reservists. [ 126 ]


Australia allows gay men and lesbians to serve openly. Openly gay and lesbian personnel were banned from the ADF until November 1992 when the Australian Government decided to remove this prohibition. The heads of the services and most military personnel opposed this change at the time, and it caused considerable public debate. [ 127 ] [ 128 ]
Opponents of lifting the ban on gay and lesbian personnel argued that doing so would greatly harm the ADF's cohesiveness and cause large numbers of resignations. This did not eventuate, however, and the reform caused relatively few problems. [ 129 ] A 2000 study found that lifting the ban on gay service did not have any negative effects on the ADF's morale, effectiveness or recruitment and retention and may have led to increased productivity and improved working environments. [ 130 ] Since 1 January 2009 same-sex couples have had the same access to military retirement pensions and superannuation as opposite-sex couples. [ 131 ]

Defence expenditure and procurement

Current expenditure

The Australian Government allocated A$ 24.2 billion to the Australian Defence Organisation in the 2012–2013 financial year. This level of expenditure is equivalent to approximately 1.56% of Australian Gross Domestic Product and 6.65% of the Government's planned expenditure over the 2012–2013 financial year. [ 3 ] In broad terms, 43% of the 2011–2012 defence budget will be allocated to personnel expenses, 38% to operating costs and 19% to investment. [ 3 ] The amount allocated to defence in the 2012–13 budget was 10.5% lower than that in the previous year's budget in real terms, and represents the lowest share of GDP provided for this purpose since 1938. [ 3 ] The government's decision to reduce funding for defence was driven by the emphasis it places on returning the budget to surplus, the ADO not being able to spend all of the money it was allocated in previous years' budgets and costs for projects specified in the 2009 White Paper being higher than was anticipated. [ 132 ]
The 2009 defence white paper included a commitment to increase defence spending by 3% in real terms each year over a 21 year period. [ 133 ] In addition, the white paper also specified that defence would be required to undertake a package of reforms named the 'Strategic Reform Program' which aimed to save A$ 20.6 billion over ten years through improvements to management practices and other efficiencies. [ 134 ] However, the actual rate of growth in funding over the seven years covered by the white paper will be 1%. [ 29 ]
In relative terms, Australia's defence expenditure as a proportion of GDP is greater than that of most developed Western nations, but is smaller than the proportion allocated to defence by Australia's larger neighbours. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute has estimated that Australia's defence spending in 2010 was the 13th highest of any country in purchasing power parity terms. [ 135 ] As a proportion of GDP Australia's defence spending ranks as 57th of the countries for which data is available. [ 136 ]

Long term procurement projects

The Defence Capability Plan (DCP) sets out the ADF's long term capital programs. DCPs have been regularly produced since 2000. [ 137 ] The current public version DCP, which was released in 2009 and updated in late 2010, contains 140 projects and phases of projects which have a total estimated cost of A$ 153 billion in 2010 dollars. Work on these projects will take place between 2011 and 2020. [ 138 ] The most expensive and complex projects in the DCP are the Collins class submarine replacement project , the purchase of at least 72 F-35 Lightning II fighters, upgrades to the RAAF's Wedgetail AEW&C aircraft, the replacement of many of the ADF's wheeled vehicles, the replacement of the Army's ASLAV and M-113s and the development of new offshore combatant vessels and frigates to replace most of the RAN's surface combatants. [ 139 ]
The increasing cost of defence equipment poses a challenge to the ADF. The Australian Strategic Policy Institute estimates that the cost of purchasing and operating the equipment in the Defence Capability Plan may exceed the projected Defence Budget. If additional resources are not made available to correct this funding shortfall the government may be forced to reduce the ADF's size. [ 140 ]

Current equipment

A grey warship sailing near the shoreline.
Adelaide Class frigate HMAS Newcastle
While the Australian Defence Force seeks to be a high-technology force, much of its equipment is approaching obsolescence and is scheduled to be replaced or upgraded in the near future. [ 141 ] Australia does not possess weapons of mass destruction and has ratified the Biological Weapons Convention , Chemical Weapons Convention and Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty . [ 142 ] Although most of the ADF's weapons are only used by single service, there is an increasing emphasis on commonality. The three services use the same small arms and the FN Herstal 35 is the ADF's standard hand gun, the F88 Austeyr the standard rifle, the F89 Minimi the standard light support weapon, the FN Herstal MAG-58 the standard light machine gun and the Browning M2HB the standard heavy machine gun. [ 143 ]
The Royal Australian Navy operates a large number of ships and submarines. The Navy's 12 frigates are its most capable surface combatants. The four remaining Adelaide class frigates provide the RAN's surface offensive capability, while the eight Anzac class frigates are general purpose escorts. [ 144 ] The RAN's submarine force has six Collins class submarines , which currently rank among the most effective conventional submarines in the world. [ 145 ] There are currently 14 Armidale class patrol boats for border security and fisheries patrol duties in Australia's northern waters. The RAN's amphibious force comprises the Landing Ship Heavy HMAS Tobruk and six Balikpapan class Landing Craft Heavy . The Navy's minesweeping force operates six Huon class minehunters , two of which are currently operating as patrol boats, and three auxiliary minesweepers. An auxiliary tanker, a fleet replenishment ship, and six survey vessels support these combatants. [ 144 ] As at December 2010 the Fleet Air Arm's helicopter force comprised 16 Seahawks for anti-submarine tasks, six Sea King and five MRH 90 transport helicopters and 13 Squirrel and three AW109s for training purposes. [ 146 ]
A camouflaged military vehicle on top of a hill. The valley behind the vehicle contains several complexes of buildings and flowering trees. A steep mountain range is in the background
An Australian Army Bushmaster PMV in Afghanistan
The Australian Army is primarily a light infantry force equipped with equipment which may be carried by individual soldiers. However, the Army's equipment includes a substantial quantity of armoured vehicles and artillery. Moreover, the Army is introducing additional armoured vehicles into service as part of the 'hardened and networked army' initiative. [ 147 ] The Army's armoured , mechanised and motorised units are currently equipped with 59 M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks, 774 M113 armoured personnel carriers (including vehicles in store), and 257 ASLAV armoured reconnaissance vehicles. 838 Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicles are being introduced into service. The Army's artillery holdings consist of 109 L119 Hamel 105 mm calibre towed guns, 36 155 mm towed M198 howitzers , an unspecified number of 81 mm mortars and 30 RBS-70 surface-to-air missiles. [ 148 ] As at December 2010 Australian Army Aviation is equipped with 91 helicopters, including 26 Kiowa reconnaissance helicopters, 16 of a planned 22 Eurocopter Tiger armed reconnaissance helicopters, 34 S-70A-9 Blackhawk , six CH-47 Chinook and eight of a planned 41 MRH 90 transport helicopters and a single Squirrel . [ 146 ] The Army also operates several ScanEagle and Skylark unmanned aerial vehicles. In addition, the Army is equipped with 15 LCM-8 watercraft to support amphibious operations. [ 148 ]
Three grey-painted jet fighter aircraft flying in formation
Three of the RAAF's F/A-18A Hornets in flight
The Royal Australian Air Force operates combat, maritime patrol, transport and training aircraft. As at October 2011 the combat aircraft force comprised 71 F/A-18A and B Hornets and 24 F/A-18F Super Hornets . The maritime patrol force was equipped with 19 AP-3C Orions and three of a planned six Boeing Wedgetail Airborne early warning and control aircraft had been accepted into service. The air transport force operated 21 C-130 Hercules and five C-17 Globemaster IIIs . The RAAF also operates three Bombardier Challenger and two Boeing Business Jet 737 aircraft as VIP transports . One of five Airbus KC-30B Multi-Role Tanker Transports being introduced into service. The RAAF also operates 67 Pilatus PC-9 and 33 Hawk 127 training aircraft. Nine Beechcraft B300 King Air are used for training and transport tasks. [ 149 ] Twelve of the Super Hornets are being modified during production to allow them to be upgraded to EA-18G Growler standard at a later date. [ 150 ]

Current bases

Colour photo of two grey-painted warships moored alongside a wharf. A large crane and several buildings are visible behind the ships.
HMAS Ballarat and another Anzac class frigate moored at Fleet Base East
The Australian Defence Force maintains 60 major bases and many other facilities across all the states and territories of Australia . These bases occupy millions of hectares of land, giving the ADO Australia's largest real estate portfolio. In addition, Defence Housing Australia manages around 17,000 residences which are occupied by members of the ADF. [ 92 ] While most of the Army's permanent force units are based in northern Australia , the majority of Navy and Air Force units are based near Sydney , Brisbane and Perth . Few ADF bases are currently shared by different services. Small Army and RAAF units are also located at Royal Malaysian Air Force Base Butterworth . [ 151 ]
The administrative headquarters of the ADF and the three services is located in Canberra alongside the main offices of the Department of Defence and Defence Materiel Organisation and the interim headquarters of Joint Operations Command. JOC and the other operational headquarters will be co-located near Bungendore, New South Wales as part of the Headquarters Joint Operations Command Project. [ 152 ]
The Royal Australian Navy has two main bases; Fleet Base East in Sydney and Fleet Base West near Perth. The Navy's operational headquarters, Fleet Headquarters, is located adjacent to Fleet Base East. The majority of the Navy's patrol boats are based at HMAS Coonawarra in Darwin, Northern Territory with the remaining patrol boats and the hydrographic fleet located at HMAS Cairns in Cairns . The Fleet Air Arm is based at HMAS Albatross near Nowra, New South Wales . [ 153 ]
The Australian Army's regular units are concentrated in a small number of bases, most of which are located in Australia's northern states. The Army's operational headquarters, Land Command, is located at Victoria Barracks in Sydney. Most elements of the Army's three regular brigades are based at Robertson Barracks near Darwin, Lavarack Barracks in Townsville , Queensland , and Gallipoli Barracks in Brisbane. The Deployable Joint Force (Land) Headquarters is also located at Gallipoli Barracks. Other important Army bases include the Army Aviation Centre near Oakey, Queensland , Holsworthy Barracks near Sydney, Woodside Barracks near Adelaide, South Australia and Campbell Barracks in Perth. Dozens of Army Reserve depots are located across Australia. [ 154 ]
The Royal Australian Air Force maintains a number of air bases, including three which are only occasionally activated. The RAAF's operational headquarters, Air Command , is located at RAAF Base Glenbrook near Sydney. The Air Force's combat aircraft are based at RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, Queensland , RAAF Base Tindal near Katherine, Northern Territory and RAAF Base Williamtown near Newcastle, New South Wales . The RAAF's maritime patrol aircraft are based at RAAF Base Edinburgh near Adelaide and most of its transport aircraft are based at RAAF Base Richmond in Sydney. RAAF Base Edinburgh is also home to the control centre for the Jindalee Operational Radar Network . Most of the RAAF's training aircraft are based at RAAF Base Pearce near Perth with the remaining aircraft located at RAAF Base East Sale near Sale, Victoria and RAAF Base Williamtown. The RAAF also maintains a network of bases in northern Australia to support operations to Australia's north. These bases include RAAF Base Darwin and RAAF Base Townsville and three 'bare bases' in Queensland and Western Australia . [ 155 ] [ 156 ] Of the RAAF's operational bases, only Tindal is located near an area in which the service's aircraft might feasibly see combat. While this protects the majority of the RAAF's assets from air attack, most air bases are poorly defended and aircraft are generally hangared in un-hardened shelters. [ 157 ]

Domestic responsibilities

The Australian Defence Force has a number of domestic responsibilities. In most of these tasks the ADF supports the relevant civilian authorities. These responsibilities are typically undertaken by specialised elements of the ADF, though the services' combat elements can be deployed within Australia in response to major emergencies.
A grey warship underway. Land is visible in the background.
The Navy's Armidale class patrol boats ( HMAS Albany pictured) are mainly used for border and fisheries patrol tasks [ 158 ]
The ADF makes a significant contribution to Australia's domestic maritime security. ADF ships, aircraft and Regional Force Surveillance Units conduct patrols of northern Australia in conjunction with the Australian Customs Service . This operation, which is code-named Operation Resolute , is commanded by the Border Protection Command which is jointly manned by members of the ADF and Customs. Up to 400 personnel were assigned to Operation Resolute in July 2010. [ 159 ] [ 160 ]
While the ADF does not have a significant nation-building role, it provides assistance to remote Indigenous Australian communities. Since 1996 the Army has regularly deployed engineer units to assist remote communities. Under this program a single engineer squadron works with one community for several months each year to upgrade the community's infrastructure and provide training. [ 161 ] [ 162 ] The ADF also took part in the intervention in remote Northern Territory Indigenous communities between June 2007 and October 2008. During this operation ADF personnel provided logistical support to the Northern Territory Emergency Response Task Force and helped conduct child health checks. [ 163 ]
The ADF shares responsibility for counter-terrorism with civilian law enforcement agencies. Under the Australian National Counter-Terrorism Plan the State and Territory police and emergency services have the primary responsibility for responding to any terrorist incidents on Australian territory. If a terrorist threat or the consequences of an incident are beyond the capacity of civilian authorities to resolve the ADF may be 'called out' to provide support. In order to meet its counter-terrorism responsibilities the ADF maintains two elite Tactical Assault Groups , the Special Operations Engineer Regiment as well as a company-sized high readiness group in each Army Reserve brigade and the 1st Commando Regiment . [ 164 ] While these forces provide a substantial counter-terrorism capability, the ADF does not regard domestic security as being part of its 'core business'. [ 165 ]

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Australian, British and United States C-17 Globemasters and aircrew in Britain during 2007.
The Australian Defence Force cooperates with militaries around the world. Australia's formal military agreements include the ANZUS Alliance with the United States of America, the Closer Defence Program with New Zealand and the Five Power Defence Arrangements with Malaysia , Singapore , New Zealand and the United Kingdom. [ 166 ] Australia is currently developing closer security ties with Japan. [ 167 ] ADF activities under these agreements include participating in joint planning, intelligence sharing, personnel exchanges, equipment standardisation programs and joint exercises. [ 168 ] Australia is also a member of the UKUSA signals intelligence gathering agreement. [ 169 ]
New Zealand, Singapore and the United States maintain military units in Australia. The New Zealand and Singaporean forces are limited to small training units at ADF bases, with the New Zealand contingent comprising nine Army personnel involved in air navigation training. [ 170 ] Two Republic of Singapore Air Force pilot training squadrons are based in Australia; 126 Squadron at the Oakey Army Aviation Centre and 130 Squadron at RAAF Base Pearce. [ 171 ] The Singapore Army also uses the Shoalwater Bay Military Training Area in Queensland for annual large-scale exercises. [ 172 ]
Two United States intelligence and communications facilities are located in Australia; the Pine Gap satellite tracking station near Alice Springs and Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt near Exmouth, Western Australia . Pine Gap is jointly operated by Australian and United States personnel and Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt has been an exclusively Australian-operated facility since 1999. In early 2007 the Australian Government approved the construction of a new unmanned US communications installation at the Defence Signals Directorate Australian Defence Satellite Communications Station facility near Geraldton, Western Australia . [ 173 ] The United States Military also frequently uses Australian exercise areas and these facilities have been upgraded to support joint Australian-United States training. [ 174 ] In addition to these facilities, between 200 and 300 US Military personnel are posted to Australia to liaise with the ADF and in November 2011 the Australian and American Governments announced plans to rotate United States Marine Corps and United States Air Force units through bases in the Northern Territory for training purposes. [ 175 ]
The ADF provides assistance to militaries in Australia's region through the Defence Cooperation Program. Under this program the ADF provides assistance with training, infrastructure, equipment and logistics and participates in joint exercises with countries in South East Asia and Oceania. The Pacific Patrol Boat Program is the largest Defence Cooperation Program activity and supports 22 Pacific class patrol boats operated by twelve South Pacific countries. Other important activities include supporting the development of the Timor Leste Defence Force and Papua New Guinea Defence Force and supplying watercraft to the Armed Forces of the Philippines . [ 176 ] Australia also directly contributes to the defence of Pacific countries by periodically deploying warships and aircraft to patrol their territorial waters; this includes an annual deployment of RAAF AP-3 Orions to the region as part of a multi-national maritime surveillance operation. [ 177 ] [ 178 ] Under an informal agreement Australia is responsible for the defence of Nauru . [ 179 ]

Assessment of capabilities

The ADF's capabilities enable it to carry out a range of tasks. The size of the force that the government can deploy differs according to the likelihood of high-intensity combat and the distance from Australia. In overall terms, Dr. Mark Thomson of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute assesses the ADF's size and capability as being typical for a Western nation with Australia's economic and population base. [ 180 ]
A black submarine travelling on the surface of the sea
Collins class submarine HMAS Collins
The ADF has probably the most capable air and naval capabilities in the South-East Asia region. However, the small size of the Army and the age of much of the RAN and RAAF's equipment constrains Australia's ability to make large-scale deployments or engage in high-intensity combat. [ 181 ] The ADF's personnel shortages may also limit its ability to quickly conduct new deployments. [ 182 ]
The ADF is highly capable of defeating direct attacks on Australia by conventional forces, though such attacks are highly improbable at present. The ADF's intelligence gathering capabilities should enable it to detect any attacking force before it reaches Australia. Once detected, the RAN and RAAF would be able to defeat the attacking force while it was still in Australia's maritime approaches. The Army and RAAF are also capable of defeating small raiding forces once they are detected. [ 183 ] The ADF currently maintains sufficient forces to meet its domestic security and counter-terrorism responsibilities. [ 184 ]
The RAN and RAAF are capable of deploying significant numbers of capable ships and aircraft, these forces are large and modern enough to operate independently in a high-threat environment and would typically make up a small part of a larger international coalition force. Due to its relatively small size the Army's capability for high intensity warfare is more limited than that of the other services.
A group of men wearing camouflaged military uniforms and carrying guns walking through bushland
Light infantrymen from the 2nd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment
As a result of these limitations, the ADF is capable of providing only relatively small, but high-quality, 'niche' forces for high intensity warfare. Such forces include the Navy's submarines, the Army's special forces and the RAAF's Orion aircraft. [ 185 ] However, the ADF's logistic capabilities are insufficient to independently supply such forces deployed in areas distant from Australia. As a result, the ADF can only contribute forces to high intensity warfare outside of Australia's region when larger coalition partners provide logistical support. [ 186 ]
The ADF is highly capable of undertaking peacekeeping operations around the world. The Navy's frigates and transport ships, the Army's light infantry battalions and the RAAF's transport aircraft are well-suited to peacekeeping. The ADF has the capability to undertake peacekeeping and low-intensity warfare operations independently in Australia's region and can sustain such deployments for a lengthy period. It is also capable of leading international peacekeeping forces in the Asia-Pacific region and the ADF is capable of defending and invading all of its Pacific neighbours and countries to the north such as the Philippines and Papua New Guinea, although the probability of this is very small with the exception of Fiji. [ 187 ]

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